Merry Christmas

Samantha in winter coat

My oldest dear doll, Samantha. I tried to re-curl her hair with the hair kit and it turned out pretty good! It only lasted about two days, but that's only because I'm too impatient to let the curlers sit for a full day.

Samantha and Kailey

This is the first issue of Samantha's cranberry party dress. The new one has a different lace pattern. Kailey and Samantha are enjoying the cookies that Gina and Therian (Therese) sent them from Connecticut!

Emily and Jess wake up really early to check for gifts under the tree.

Ready to celebrate!

Natalie gives Josefina a Christmas card. Feliz Navidad!

Josefina decorated Tia Dolores' piano for Christmas.

Kit and Josefina decorate the tree.


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