The Kitchen


hutch with carrot design Frosted Flakes! I got the miniature food boxes from the Amana Colonies in Iowa. kitchen table
This table I found at a cute little shop in Geneva, Illinois that sold antiques. The hutch is by designer Robin Betterley.jars on shelf
Fall sign Fall is my favorite season (the sign is by Robin Betterley). painting of flowers
sandwhich The sandwich was made by using the sponge and also a green plastic bag. I cut up the bag to make it look like lettuce. The sandwich meat is actually just cut up rubberbands. Bugles and Pop tarts
closeup of cake

American Girl Library put out a book called Tiny Treasures. The book suggested taking sponge that expands in water and to make mini cakes and sandwiches. I used a button and pasted construction paper on it, then cut the sponge to make a cake design. After I wet it, it puffed up. The candles are made from a fancy looking paperclip that I cut up with wire cutters.

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