Happy Halloween


Amanda Kailey Kit Natalie Therese Josefina

Kit wanted to be a kitty cat this year and Kailey looked great as a woodland faerie. Therese wanted to be Dorothy Gale but I couldn't afford that costume this year so she is going as Michelle Kwan. Josefina decided to be a ballerina this year while Natalie dressed as Tinkerbell. Amanda (visiting from Wisconsin) was a Victorian girl.

On Halloween Night, Natalie changed her mind and decided she wanted to be a ghost instead so she could scare people! That girl! Luke had to make her a ghost outfit that night because she insisted. She used her gymnastics slippers as her shoes and I thought she was going to wear out the soles!

Luke makes ghost outfit Luke cuts and measures Luke leans over to grab scissors

Natty as ghost

Kailey as faerie Josefina, Amanda, and Natty 
talk Kit as cat all 6 girls in costumes the girls 
