Book Comparisons

The first set of illustrations from Samantha Learns a Lesson are by Nancy Niles and Robert Grace and the second set are illustrations by Dan Andreasen.

1986 1998 2004
Samantha Learns a Lesson 1986 Samantha Learns a Lesson 1998 Sam 2004
Family 1986 Family 1998
1986 Family 
eating lunch 1986 eating lunch 1998
Nellie 1986 Nellie 1986
Nellie cries 1986
Mt. Better School 1986 Mt. 
Better School 1998
Edith 1986 Edith 1998
Grandmary 1986 Grandmary 1998
Factory 1986 Factory 1998
Speech 1986 Speech 1998

All pictures are owned by American Girl. I don't have any affiliation with American Girl.
Samantha's Surprise comparison page.
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